One of the technologies we showcased was a physics guided neural network control applied to a linear motion set-up. In this demo set up we showed the significantly improved motion performance of a linear stage after adding neural network control on top of a feedforward model.

For more information on this technology and how to apply it, please contact our experts.

In Automotive the need for ultra precision test requirements is increasing. Our non-contact porous media air bearings are ideal for friction free test set-ups. We demonstrated how our frictionless vacuum preloaded conveyor bearings work in a vehicle testing rolling road set up:

We congratulate 'our' Jeroen Raijman with his nomination for the Wim van Hoek award. This award (also known as the Constructors Award) is presented every year to the student with the best graduation project in the field of design in mechanical engineering at a Dutch or Belgian university of technology or university of applied sciences.
During his graduation project for Fontys Engineering University of Applied Sciences in Eindhoven, Jeroen created for IBS an integrated 3D printed mounting system for optical elements that will reduce the alignment time of the light path within the ARINNA interferometer.
Although he did not win the actual award, to us he is a winner! We wish him all the best in his career!
Stay in contact
If you have further inquiries or in case you want more information about our products, please feel free to contact us at: sales@ibspe.com.
We look forward to seeing you again at the Precision Show 2023!